Saturday, July 18, 2009

Workout Update

Yesterday I did a lap around the neighborhood with Chloe. She saw me putting on my tennis shoes to hit the gym and I didn't have the heart to leave without taking her for a run. I also then did 1.41 miles at the gym. So, total mileage yesterday: 2.21 miles.

I was just planning to run a bit at the gym on the treadmill because I broke open one of my knuckles (it's scabby now, but a little painful) and was very sore yesterday, but a class started while I was there and I decided to join in. So I have also taken three 30 minute boxing classes this week as well. They involve not only boxing and kicking, but a variety of boot-camp type body weight exercises (and some small weights exercises as well). It's a lot like Jillian Michaels, but I have a bag to punch and kick. I have to adapt the hell out of most exercises as well. I still am not able to do full push ups, and can only handle full plank pose for a short amount of time. And my lower abdominal muscles need a lot of work, the weaklings.

This is a real difference in what my routine is, and I am hoping that will really shake up my waistline.

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