Monday, July 06, 2009

Still Sweating

Friday I did another round of Sculpt 1-2, and
yesterday I ran two laps around the neighborhood with Chloe (with a brief pit stop. Geez she can get antsy if I don't finish picking up her poop fast enough!) and completed another round of level 1 of Jillian Michael's 30 day Shred. I've been doing this workout since January, and while it doesn't get me as hard as it did the first couple of times, I still feel that I'm not moving ahead enough to go up a level. Of course, it would probably help to do the tape more than twice a month....

The real kicker of the video is the strength work. The cardio and abs barely phase me (although the cardio used to tire me a lot faster). During the workout, Jillian has us doing lower body work like squats and lunges while doing upper body work at the same time. I use my lightest weights (three pounders), but my arms get so tired out during those exercises I usually have to start alternating arms or lift one 3 lb weight with both hands instead of one with each hand. These are movements that I am used to doing with 8 lb weights in other workouts. My legs are usually pretty steady as well, although I am still not letting my knee go all the way to the ground in the static lunges.

I like the video, but I'm not sure what it does for me other than boost my endurance. I get more solid strength work with my Tony Horton videos, and the cardio effect is rather limited as well. I feel tired out by the end, but not really like I've strength trained enough or done enough cardio.

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