Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Another Day, Another Run

Today was one of those days that my legs felt like lead, but I promised myself I could end my run after 3.5 miles. I pushed through, and made it to 4.67 miles, with 32 minutes at varying elevations. The last mile was the easiest, effortwise, though it was the fastest and with the most elevation.

Although I've put off going to the doc to have a look at the cyst on my thyroid. I don't know if that is what is making me so tired all the time, but if it's fixable, I hope that's the case. I'm tired of being tired with no reason. When I get a full night's sleep, I am usually exhausted again by 11 am. Then I perk up after lunch, especially if I get a nap, and get overly sleepy again in the afternoon.

It's even harder dragging myself to work out when I feel like I've been wrung out most of the day. It's so much easier to nap, or sit quietly watching tv and napping from time to time.

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