Tuesday, September 27, 2005

In Progress

I have been at school full time since preschool. If that counts. I have not had a year off. After decades of being told that I am preparing for something, that I am in flux waiting to become I am tired of being at a crossroads.
I am interning this year at something that I will hopefully have a job in next year. I am enjoying it, to an extent. And I can't wait to draw a real paycheck, have a schedule that doesn't include working almost every weekend, and make enough money off of 1 job instead of balancing two or three. I don't know if I will be in that field forever, and I plan on continuing to learn once I do start working at a real job, but how nice it will be not to have homework, and to read the books I want to read because I want to read them, not because it is required.
Things are weird at home. He's not feeling well so he's talking even less than usual, which means he communicates through a vague series of animal-like grunts in the hour or two he's home, awake, and not physically connected to his computer. Hopefully the doc can do something for him, but the drugs don't always alleviate very quickly.
I miss my dog today too. More than usual. She got sick before I left for school and it made me want to stay home even more, though it doesn't take much for me to want to stay home. I have class and/or work every day of the week until Christmas, barring the two days around Thanksgiving and a couple of days during finals. I need a break.

1 comment:

TamWill said...

Yes Dear, you do need a break! That is a tough schedule you keep...sounds like you need a vacation!!

btw I found your link from evercurious blog :)