Friday, June 26, 2009

Kickbox and Exhaustion

I am so smelly that I am sure little stink waves are raising off my body. I only ran 2.73 miles today, but I also took a kickboxing class at the Y (an hour long class with not a lot of warm up and cool down) and I am pretty tired.

I'm actually unsure as to whether I will do my Sculpt 1-2 today since the class involved so many squats, lunges, and other weight training type exercises. I don't know if my tired muscles can take another round today, though I am considering some gentle yoga and an ab workout to round out the day.

I am also considering a nap, but I need to write a quiz, and it wouldn't hurt if I did some reading for work. I have a whole stack of pleasure and history reading that is getting bigger at an exponential rate.

The fence is nice, and it smells lovely, though Chloe running free through the back yard has meant she is free to find a bit of dead rabbit and roll in it. The outdoor bath yesterday was pure joy. Let me tell you, it is easier to keep Chloe in a tub and block her exit than to bathe her with a leash in one hand and a hose in the other.

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