Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Fitness Update

I was quite sore the day after my first Sculpt workout with Tony Horton. I did the abs portion that evening as well, though my abs weren't all that sore. It was my thighs and glutes that killed me the next day. I did some yoga to alleviate the stretching, and yesterday I did another round of Sculpt with 8 pound weights instead of 5 for the back exercises. I'm not all that sore today, which is welcome, but surprising since after the workout my legs were shaking for the rest of the evening.

Today I ran 3.85 miles, rode the stationary bike for 4 miles, and was planning on running the dog around after dark, but my parents stopped by to see my new house, and since I didn't want to be too smelly for them, I took a shower. I guess I could still run and take another, but with the eczema my doc usually doesn't encourage me to shower twice a day; she says try every other day if possible. I've been especially itchy lately, so I think I shall listen.

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