Tuesday, March 07, 2006


A good man, interested in a serious relationship.
Someone who doesn't lie.
A frugal man, but not afraid to spend some money on me to show me he cares.
Someone who respects my opinions, even if they are sometimes about silly tv shows.
Someone who does half of the housework.
Someone who calls when he's running over 20 minutes late.
Someone who likes dogs. Particularly my dogs.
Someone who takes care of himself.
Someone who likes to read, and won't make fun of me (too seriously) for my taste in movies.
Someone who is loyal.
Someone who will talk to me when he has a problem.
Someone who will talk to me about nothing if I feel like hearing his voice.
Someone who thinks I am beautiful, and smart, and will do my share of the paralell parking.
Someone who will find my conservative and corny Southern Baptist family amusing enough to commiserate with me, but not so much to insult them.
Someone who won't mind abstaining from alcohol when near my conservative Southern Baptist family.
A non-smoker, preferably someone who wouldn't mind sharing the occaisional slower run with me.
Someone who doesn't find a shaved head his hairstyle of choice.
Hey, if we're going that far, how about someone with a full head of hair.
Someone who likes pizza a lot. Or at least doesn't make fun of my near-obsession with it.
Someone who likes to travel, and will want to travel with me.
Someone who is willing to take things very slowly with a divorcing young woman mature beyond her years and patiently deal with her sore spots with money and trust.

Anyone know anyone like this?
Hoping that someone in particular fits the bill. We'll see.

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