Saturday, October 01, 2005

By Myself, Again

He's not home tonight and I don't know where he is. I hate this. He won't answer his cell phone and he won't call back. This is the third night he's been out this week, and none of them with me. So I sit at home, alone. You might tell me to go out, have fun, but it's really not an option. My dogs would never get outside or any attention if I came and went when I pleased like he does.
And he'll complain about a lack of physical affection. In the five minutes he's home and I'm awake. The intimacy of it all is just shocking.
Can't wait for the new Broken Social Scene album. This Tuesday- can't wait. You Forgot it in People is my favorite album. Hopefully this will be near as good. I really do buy too much music. I need a support group. Sometimes the music and the dogs are all that keep me going.

1 comment:

Peter Dodson said...

Sorry to hear about your situation. Let's hope you either boot him out, or he gets his head out of his ass.