Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Things are...

Interesting, I suppose. Busy still- it seems that the demands on my time are relentless. And on top of everything, my runner's knee is acting up again and I can't run off my steam. What a fun co-incidence. Now how do I fit in a doctor's appointment? Let alone, how on earth would I be able to fit in physical therapy?
He was pretty normal yesterday, but the day before we went out to dinner and I stared at him for over an hour. I tried to start a variety of conversations, using my teaching skills to create multi-layered questions that couldn't be answered by a yes or no, but he would mumble a word or two and we would return to silence. Or more truthfully, the noise in the pub around us. But we were quiet. I know some of this is related to his illness. Still, what does that mean, really? How do we fix our marriage when he won't talk to me six days out of seven?
I need to find my counselor's number. She's been back from vacation for a while now, and I finally pried a referral out of the cold dead hands of my insurance company. Seeing her again will help some, but there is only so much I can do alone to fix things. There is only so much effort left in my tired little psyche.

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