Friday, June 23, 2006

It Comes at Night

The events of the past year sometimes feel a bit like a nightmare to me. Possibly because they sometimes are.

Every couple of weeks I dream about him. In my dreams I continually try and convince him to work on our marriage, that divorce is not the first thing we should try. Once I dreamed that he held me comfortingly. Last night I was chasing him around, trying to convince him of the logic that you have to try and change something before you just throw it away. I remember not wanting to sign divorce papers in my dream. In the dream we were divorcing, but still living together and hanging out a lot. I know there was something else in the dream, but it faded as I woke up.

Not everything fades when I wake up. After one of these lovely dreams I usually find myself depressed for a few hours to a whole day.

Hope the beginning of everyone else's day is happier than mine.

1 comment:

audrey said...

Dreams can be a total bitch. Just remember to focus on something totally different when you wake up. Spray some nice perfume on your wrist, smell it and close your eyes. Use nice body lotion. Curl up in bed and read the first chapter of Pride and Prejudice. x