Sunday, December 18, 2005


One last project until I am done for the semester. Then a few weeks of bliss in which I will not have to worry about homework, grading, or reading a million books a week on topics I am only vaguely interested in.
My sleep schedule has gotten way off. I'm staying up late into the night and getting up later and later in the morning- this will have to be fixed. It's just that at the moment there is no reason for me to be getting up at 6:30 in the morning, thus no reason for me to try and fall asleep before midnight.
Haven't really felt like writing much lately. Everything has really been much of the same. Waiting, wondering, scrimping by on little cash.
Hopefully that process will hurry up and end soon.


cmhl said...

hey-- I hope things turn around for you--- thank you for your comment on my site..

I'm sorry you are going through all of this with your husband--- that is really a painful thing..

Theresa said...

Hi. I'm sorry you're having such a hard time right now. Blogging is a great way to vent and meet new friends.

Suburban Turmoil said...

Hey! Thanks for visiting my site.

I hope you can find some happiness... Sounds like you deserve it! :)