Wednesday, September 06, 2006

The New Guy

I am at the point prior to a relationship in which the object of my affection can be all things to me. I know him little enough so that he's only a vauge outline in which I fill in the details. He looks like a model in a Rosetti painting. He likes Simpsons and Seinfeld. He enjoys racing bikes in his spare time. He says good-bye to me specifically and by name every time his shift ends before mine. This is all I know about him.

He could love children and animals, and be consistently punctual. He could be somewhat outdoorsy, but prefer day hikes to camping. He could like Buffy enough to talk about it, but not share my obsession. He could enjoy running with me once a week instead of just biking every day for a change of pace. He could be fiscally responsible, be attracted to redheads and smart, opinionated women.

Then again, he could be a total blackguard and cad.

In some ways this is the best part- the wondering, the expectation, the heightened excitement. As I find out little by little who he is and what he likes and dislikes he will become much less a dream and much more a person who will at times annoy me because he doesn't like my habit of watching tv in bed or spends too much money on his bikes.

I finished training at his store. He has my bike. And my phone number.

1 comment:

audrey said...

This is the most exciting time eh? When it's all new and you look at each other like you're with the most amazing person in the whole world. This is the time before it all becomes normal and the love becomes less desparate and Bronte-esque. Fun fun. Enjoy clio!