Thursday, September 21, 2006

Early Morning Gem

When I work opens at Starbucks, my alarm rings at 3:35 a.m. Or rather, my television turns on at that time. The sound of my alarm clock tends to make me incredibly angry and ends up starting me out on the wrong foot for the day, so I find it's much gentler to wake up to the hum of the television.

Since I find that the television often distracts me in the mornings, lately I have been watching whatever my television lands on that early so that watching one of my shows will not make me run late. My tv has a mind of its own. My tivo, my one splurge, decides what channel my tv will wake me up on. Most of the time at 3:35 a.m. it is an infomercial. This morning it was the subject of this week's random fandom, an amusing 1980s zombie movie called Night of the Creeps.

I caught the last 20 minutes of the movie. A hardscrabble detective was going about a college campus looking to kill zombies heading to a sorority house filled with young women with deliciously big hair and cheap formal dresses. A young hero handed a young awestruck heroine a flamethrower so that they could fight off zombies together. All in all, it was so bad it was good. There were slithery alien slug-monsters and the possibility for a sequel- not all the slugs were killed by the gasoline explosion in the sorority house.

I wouldn't recommend anyone spend much money on this guilty pleasure, but if you like bad 1980s movies and bad horror movies, I would recommend you check this out.

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