Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Sometime in the Morning

Falling asleep isn't the problem that it was. After a full day I'm usually tired. The problem is the staying asleep all night. The problem is the morning sickness.
No, not the pregnant kind. It's the kind where I slip slightly into consciousness from my warm cocoon-y dreamworld and the realization that my husband has left me, my heart aches all day long, and I don't know when things will ever get better pierces my sleep. At this point the fight-or-flight starts to kick in, and I can't even dream of getting back to sleep again. Then I settle into the morning nausea that comes with the recognition that my life is so far off track and I don't know how to fix it.
That makes 8 hours sleep a problem. Not that I need that, or always got it before. The dogs usually need to go out early in the morning, and when it's not break time, I usually need to leave fairly early as well.
So now it's time to hurry along and face another day outside my bed.

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