Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Working for a Living

Due to a few circumstances I have been unable to update lately. First, I accidentally left my computer behind at my parents' house this weekend and haven't had time to get it back until today. Secondly, I have been working every day.

Seriously. The last day I had off was two weeks ago, and the next day I'm gonna have off is in the unforseen future, but it's at least another two weeks away. I'm totalling in the mid-fifties hourwise each week and still barely making ends meet. But at least they're meeting, right? And in the meantime, I'm not having enough downtime to think about the divorce much. In the long run I'm assuming that that is not a good thing, but for now I think it's an excellent coping mechanism. I think that I will be more ready and willing to end the denial phase (or the ignoring phase, take your pick- it's really a little bit of both) once something in my life is going all right.

Another positive aspect to this is that I'm too busy to eat food that's bad for me. I'm packing carrots and whole wheat wrap sandwiches and fruit for my lunch, making it easy to grab those, but not much else. I'm also scheduling in my runs and still making them for once because there are few nagging things left to complete at home (like homework), and I need them for the stress relief anyway. So I'm hopping to drop that eight pounds in the course of the month.

My feet hurt like crazy. I'm soaking them in cool water each night, but it's kinda painful to stand by the end of the day. I'm hoping that it will get easier as time goes on.

I do love Starbucks, however. The people are really fun and nice, and I'm still overwhelmed by all I have to learn, but it's a neat job. The time goes quickly. I could have lived all my life without knowing what a carmel mocha machiatto was, but I feel a little cooler now that I do know. Working there is also kinda like being Norm. Everyone says hi to me when I get there, and personally says goodbye when I go. It's a nice place to be.

There's a cute guy there too. Absolutely nothing will come of it, but it's another nifty little distraction technique to flirt and enjoy without really intending anything. Not that I'm a big flirt, or anything. It's pretty much the lighthearted joking I am participating in with the whole staff at the store I'm training in.

The house sale is not going well. No one is looking. I hope I can sell it before the end of the year.

Post 100 is quickly approaching.... So much has happened in 100 posts. Hopefully by 200 I will be able to look back in celebration. I truly am hopeful right now. I just know that there is a lot more that I will have to slog through before the dawn comes and I've never been one for patience.

I know there will still be a lot of days when I cry, when I wake up after dreaming of him like today, or when I will be working long hours to pay the house payment (or put up with the loss of privacy and independence when moving in with my parents). I don't know when these times will end- and I still may get depressed about things from time to time far into the future. Someday, though, my life will be mine again instead of the charred remnants of our life. I look forward to the day.

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